Two brothers, John and Joe Slade, recently completed a 52 mile trek to honour their mum, Mary Slade. This trek was on the anniversary of her death at Bolton Hospice. They have raised almost £2,500 for the hospice. John is a teacher at St Pius X school near Sheffield, and Joe is a communications officer for Trafford Council.
They said: “Her final week was at Bolton Hospice where the staff cared for her and her family in an amazing and wonderful way.” She also received cheerful spiritual support from the Catholic chaplain, Father Michael Haworth. Her funeral was attended by over 200 people.
They decided to do a walk over three days from John’s home in St Mary’s parish, High Green, Sheffield to the Hospice. On the last day, they called at Mary’s home in St Teresa’s parish, Little Lever, Bolton. There, they collected the rest of their families, so the four parents and five children walked the last four miles together. There was some unexpected excitement when they passed a huge fire at a derelict mill.
In addition, John ran the Manchester Marathon a few weeks ago and used this to raise money. Joe, who lives in St Hilda’s parish, Tottington, Bury, said that he preferred to prepare for the walk by sitting down.
A spokesman for the Hospice said that he was very grateful for their efforts and sent his special thanks.
They have been surprised and humbled by the support they have received, though Mary was also well known throughout the country for her work in connection with netball as a senior umpire trainer and table official. The netball tribute to her on Facebook received 85 comments within an hour.
Their father, Tony Slade, is now retired but was previously a diocesan schools inspector for the Dioceses of Salford and Lancaster, as well as some work in the Diocese of Leeds. Tony spoke of his pride at his sons’ achievements.
“I am so proud of my sons, and it says much about the way they were brought up, especially by Mary, that on their own initiative they should make this spontaneous decision to raise money in her honour for such a good cause,” Mr Slade told the Universe.
“Mary meant so much to me as my wife, and this lovely gesture makes me feel glad, humble and thrilled all in one.”