Andy Drozdziak
An online Catholic schools mission is celebrating after doubling its viewing figures and becoming a fixture in UK Catholic primary schools.
Tens of thousands of Catholic primary school children are tuning in each week to watch The Mark 10 Mission and hear the Gospel in their classrooms.
The Mark 10 Mission was initially founded by Catholic teacher Greg Finn in 2020 to help children in his school hear the Gospel during the pandemic.
“We thank God for the year that we have had. Over the last year, the mission has doubled its viewing figures, with as many as 60,000 young people watching their liturgy for the first week of Advent,” Mr Finn told the Universe.
“It has been so wonderful to see so many schools joining us each week and we hope to grow our ministry in 2023.”
The Mark 10 team creates videos which share the Sunday Gospel, guide children in prayer and seek to initiate encounter with Jesus.
Serving Catholic schools with free weekly online Gospel liturgies, the Mark 10 mission is inspired by the passage in Mark 10:13-15, in which Jesus says: “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
Mark 10 will be moving to a new office at the Diocese of Leeds Pastoral Centre at Hinsley Hall. Mr Finn has seen ‘an amazing response in primary schools’ and is now aiming to create ‘life-changing content’ for pupils in secondary schools in 2023.
“It’s has been incredible to see how primary age children have responded to our videos; we have had such awesome feedback from schools about what God is doing in classrooms,” he said.
“However, we don’t want this experience of prayer and relationship with Christ to end when children graduate to secondary school. Alongside our primary offering, we want to create specific videos for secondary schools which are relevant, engaging and transformational for young people.”
More information about the Mark 10 mission can be found at the website: