Andy Drozdziak
A Catholic school ministry is hoping to create a ‘rosary revolution’ amongst young people.
After being ‘blown away’ by a previous rosary challenge, Catholic ministry The Mark 10 Mission is hoping to lead a Rosary revival in Catholic schools in October.
Last year, they launched their inaugural Rosary Challenge, and tens of thousands of children used audio recordings to pray a decade of the Rosary in class each day. “Last Autumn, we were blown away by how many schools threw themselves into the challenge and prayed the rosary each day,” Mark 10 founder Greg Finn told the Universe.
The Mark 10 Mission was initially founded by Catholic teacher Greg in 2020 to help children hear the Gospel during the pandemic. Since then, it has grown in popularity, with thousands of pupils and teachers tuning into its weekly liturgies enthusiastically-including the rosary.
“At first, I was a little concerned that children could find the prayer repetitive and dull, but I needn’t have worried-the opposite was true. We had such wonderful feedback. Children loved the routine and rhythm of the daily devotion and were excited about praying each and every mystery (of the rosary),” Greg said.
This year, The Mark 10 team is hoping to make an even bigger impact by filming a series of rosary videos at the national shrine at the Slipper Chapel Shrine in Walsingham. Greg works closely with Diocese of Leeds priest, Fr Henry Longbottom, and with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal who minister at St Patrick’s Mission in Bradford. Worship leader Angel Anyamele and missionary Pippa Baker are also part of the team.
As well as promoting the rosary, Mark 10 also want to encourage young pilgrims to travel to Walsingham in greater numbers. Their videos include footage from around the shrine, and they hope that ‘showing off the beauty of Walsingham will increase the number of school trips there this academic year.’
Serving Catholic schools with free weekly online Gospel liturgies, the Mark 10 mission is inspired by the passage in Mark 10:13-15, in which Jesus says: “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
Addressing Catholic schools, Greg said: “We hope you and your school can join the Rosary Challenge and pray alongside thousands of children across the United Kingdom.”
All of the Rosary Challenge videos and resources will be available on the Mark 10 Mission website: